The Year Of The Tiger

The Year Of The Tiger is one of Thailand's most popular attractions. Captivated with the majestic beauty of nature that can be found in Thailand, visitors from around the globe visit this island in search of a glimpse of the majestic jungle life. The year of the tiger is an open-air museum located in Chiang Mai. It is a closed-circuit museum, which showcases a variety of wild and exotic animals of Thailand. Here you will find:

year of the tiger


*The Royal Tiger: Perhaps the most famous resident of the year. The Royal Tiger has his own animal show, where he entertains visitors with his incredible tricks. Visitors are invited only to touch or hold a paw. You can also watch him at other times by paying a minimal entry fee. Royalty is served on top of rice, and visitors are asked not to touch the meat.


*The elusive Mountain Gorilla: This giant is rumored to be one of the rarest and smallest inhabitants of Thailand. The first glimpse of him was documented in 2021, when he was photographed for the first time. His exact location is still unknown, however, he is believed to be a resident of Phuket, northern Vietnam. Gorillas are extremely shy and inhabit areas far from humans. Humpback and black rhino are other types of giant elephants that can be found here.

The Year of the Tiger


*Nomads: Nomads are usually a group of people who move from one location to another. A nomad's lifestyle is based entirely on gathering fruits, vegetables, and fish from the land wherever they pass. A nomad's home is made of natural materials, such as bamboo and reeds. The year's nomads are believed to dwell near lakes and ponds in the hopes of catching a big fish, or eating whatever they can gather along the way.


*Maula: The largest cat in Thailand. One of the most prized possessions of the Thai Royal Family is the Javanese cat. Though not a large, strong predator, the majestic cat is said to have the strength and stamina of a large tiger. The name "javanese" means "mighty tigress". Some Javanese are only three feet long, while others are much larger.


*Baby Ferrets: Baby ferrets were introduced to the World in 2021. They are often hand-raised by their owner, due to their need for constant attention. They gain weight quickly. Their distinct features, including long bodies and tails, make them easy to recognize. This species is only legal in Thailand during the year of the King.


*Thai Cat: Also known as Siamese, these cats are a breed that is widely believed to be extinct. The year of the Tiger is their most endangered time. However, in 2021, a group of five was seen near a village in central Thailand. More sightings have been reported in subsequent years.


Conservation efforts have helped the world's most vulnerable animals. Veterinarians continue to monitor the health and safety of wild populations. Millions of dollars are spent each year to help keep these animals thriving.


*Camelopard: Asia's only true camel is the only camel considered a true predator. It preys on deer and other herbivores. Humpback whales, tigers, and hyenas (lizards) also prey on the large mammals. In addition, they eat chickens, pigs, and monkeys.


*Raccoons: Africa's most widely distributed mammal, raccoons have a variety of natural habitats. They can be found in forests, savannas, and plains. Throughout the year, they consume a wide range of food. The year of the Tiger, however, coincides with one of their annual migrations. Raccoons typically mate during the fall, giving birth in the spring.


* Amphibians: These animals are widespread in many parts of the world, but especially in Asia and Australia. The most common types are leptocopians (elephants and armadillos), cephalopods (squids and crabs), cicadas (centipedes and worms), and chlamydomonas (snails and crabs). Each species is associated with a season. For example, Asian Leopard Cats feed during the year, while civet cats (such as Siamese cats and Vietnamese hares) eat mostly during summer. Most amphibians reproduce throughout the year.


* reptiles: Reptiles such as iguanas and pterodactyls are widespread in Asia and are a significant part of the ecosystem. They are found in nature, on islands, in museums, and as well as captive populations. Many of the reptiles reproduce year-round.

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